Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Looking into 2012

I have started over in life many times; there were times when I had no money and had to begin a new economy and lifestyle; other times, I had to learn a new way of life in a new culture, but each time I took what I had learned with me; experience is what I call it. Now, I begin again, this time as a husband, father of two, and grandfather of three. It is a big adventure for me.

By age 56, I have lived variety, what some may call the spice of life. This has filled my years with encounters of various people in a mixture of economic lifestyles. Coming up on my tenth year as a missionary in Ukraine, and having been married a little more than a month, I am settling into family life, as I have never experienced before.

My life in Ukraine is about children. I am hopeful that I will be able to influence my grandchildren through the years. I have a big opportunity to influence children and young adults in my mission and my leisure activities. As my future visits to the Dobromel Orphanage with Sveta will open new doors of communication with the children, it will be interesting to learn what my influence will be for our 119 children who I will only see only one week, twice a year.

In Marganets, Sveta and I will chat with children in two orphanages and one transition home. It will be quite interesting to see how we interact with the children as a couple, as a parental figure for the children. What kind of example will we set? As Sveta’s English improves, we will have more freedom to visit with the children without my need for a translator.

Froonza presents a very big opportunity for us to interact with the families of the children receiving massage. I think that the timing is perfect, after a year plus of massage results. With Sveta by my side, we will be able to interact with the community of the village, and even visit nearby villages that have children in need of massage.

January 2012 will begin a great adventure in Sveta’s and my life. We will be writing more about our adventures with the children, with our own children and grandchildren, and our life together as missionaries in Ukraine. Stay tuned …