During the Woman’s Day celebration, March 8th, I had the opportunity to meet my future grandson, 7-day-old Daniel. Such a little creation; he is formed and shaped, every part completely developed. This little miracle is so amazing. I thought, “How fortunate Olya and Kolya are to have brought a second beautiful child into the world.”
It is a challenge, of course, to nurture and raise any child from that first moment of birth. For some, though, the challenge is multiplied. It is for these children that I have been called to Ukraine; it is for these children that God has a plan. I have often wondered why God allows some children to be born with disabilities; why others are created with perfection in form and ability. Does He think of the special children? He has not forgotten them. No, they are carved in the palm of His hand.
For the past nine years, I have been trying to see things, as well as people, including myself, with God’s eyes. After running away from people with disabilities, running away from my own disability, running away from who I am, God brought me to a place in time, a place in this world, a place in my life where I could begin to see myself through His eyes. It was at this point that He showed me why He created me, why He allowed my life to follow the path that it did. He showed me what the work was that He had for me to invest in, for the rest of my life.
Children are blessings from above! We don’t always see them as such, but they are, never the less, blessings for us to cherish, to nurture, to love, and from whom we should receive love. I always wanted a child of my own. My vision was small for my life, but God had a plan of a few more children than was my dream. After eight years of serving the children of Ukraine, I now touch the lives of more than 500. Each one requires me to see them with God’s eyes, as creations of His that He sees as beautiful. It is often a challenge for me, but I am reminded to see them with God’s eyes, not my own, which have been corrupted by the values of this world.
My challenge, my work for the children with whom God has blessed me, is to provide something, to improve their opportunities to have better lives, to have a chance to change the outcome of their lives. Each child has a different physical or mental challenge. I can relate to many of them, but some are so far removed from anything that I have experienced, I haven’t a clue. Even so, God has a plan. He prepared all of the people with the special knowledge and gifts needed to help the children; He continues to introduce me to them. They are my team here in Ukraine.
Who are the children who are your blessings from above?
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