Thursday, March 3, 2011

An Object Lesson from the Creator

     This is not my story. It was written by another of those who work for the Creator. After reading this story, having felt the same connection, I realized how powerful a message it sends. So I will share it with you.

     "In the summer, tons of tomato seeds were planted in pots on my balcony. I have never grown tomato plants by myself and wasn't really sure what to do besides water them and keep them in the sun. By the end of the summer, 12 plants had grown to their expected height. Each one had beautiful yellow blooms but no tomatoes!
      In the Fall, I decided to let 10 of them die because I was tired of watering them not seeing even one tomato. I didn't want to have worthless plants to care for during the winter in my apartment. However, two were saved because their pot could easily be relocated to the windowsill. I continued to water them and made sure they were in direct sunlight every day, but still nothing.
     Then, it snowed. Winter brought shorter days, more clouds and less sunlight. I started thinking it might be time to throw out these last two plants. After all, who wants things that aren't producing? I gave them two weeks just because of their green leaves since everything else green was gone. It snowed again.
     One morning I noticed some round things growing out of the yellow blooms! Amazing! Talking to God, I said, 'I don't understand why You waited until after it snowed before You made them grow. Who would have thought there would be tomatoes growing HERE in winter?' I was silenced when He reminded me,
     'Think about the people here? How you don't see anything happening when you think it is the peak time for things to happen? Remember, harvesting is done in My time not yours. Trust Me. I'm working and like those tomatoes, there WILL be a harvest, but in My time!'
      How many more tomatoes would I have if I hadn't thrown away the other 10 plants? This thought challenged me! When I don't see what God is doing, my faith must be strong because He works when conditions are favorable and when they are not. I must be careful not to throw away relationships with people because they are much more valuable than tomato plants and only the Father knows if and when they will produce fruit.
     I was filled with even more amazement for my Creator after this object lesson! He's still working here and this brings me encouragement. Lately God has given me unbelievable and unexpected opportunities. I'm a little slow learning and applying the lessons He teaches me. However, I am thankful for His faithfulness to keep His promises and His never-ending patience to endure slow learners."

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